Happy 4th of July Everyone!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

I had an exciting day yesterday. Once again I was privy to the media day for a PBS concert here in DC. This was for A Capitol Fourth concert. I got to hear a ton of people practice. Here’s where I get to brag about rubbing elbows with some cool people.

Thank goodness they’re cool because the weather was HOT! It was 95 but felt like 105. The sweat was dripping everywhere. The performers got the VIP treatment (of course) while we had to suffer with only a tent.

Andy Grammar made me feel better since I love hearing him sing. He is such a performer. It was worth baking in the sun to listen. Granted, it was only one song but I’ll take it.

I got serenaded by The Temptations too. They are still on point which surprised me. I remember listening to them with my dad. They ended their set with “The Temptations National Anthem”-“My Girl”. So fun!

When they were setting up for the cast of “Escape to Margaritaville”, I was wishing they were giving us samples, but no. I just had to watch them practice. But I got snarky nonetheless. It was hot, like I said and I couldn’t help myself. But the rehearsal made me want to go to Broadway to see them.


After all that heat and fun, I went to Nats stadium to watch my Red Sox kick some butt. It was the second game that my spouse and I went to. The game on the 2nd was even hotter. Which was weird considering the game started an hour earlier on the 3rd. For that game, both sets of my parents came down to see it. It was a treat to have everyone together.

We had a great view even though we were melting.  But that’s what I do apparently. I stop the world and melt with you (and thousands of others).