Anyone who knows me knows I hate cooking. Not as much as I hate running but still. I love to tell everyone I know the story about how when I met my husband he said that he’d do all the cooling and I replied that I would do all the cleaning. We both had our strengths and loves and were willing to make the other happy. Needless to say, I defaulted to doing both since he had to deploy around the world early on in our marriage.
So here I was cooking when I hated it. And then one day, my spouse was home and was able to cook! It was the best thing ever! Then our kids left the nest and he was still cooking. You’d find us in the kitchen: he’d have a spatula in his hand and I had a glass of wine (not really but you get my drift).
Whenever he had to travel, I would survive on PopTarts. I’m not kidding. It’s been my breakfast for 30 years so it makes sense that I would have it dinner. Everyone LOVES breakfast for dinner. I know I do. And who would want to leave the couch to cook and eat when your puppy is happy to snuggle with you on the couch?
But something changed this trip. I actually pulled out the pots and pans and cooked. Nothing fancy. Goodness knows I tried to do one of the Hello Fresh! meals by myself and found it too complicated for my simple taste. I’m a casserole or crockpot cooker. That’s my speed. I am awful at timing everything to come out at once. It stresses me out so I just don’t do it.
But back to this week. I found myself in the kitchen following my simple recipes. I made sure that there was enough for me to take leftovers to work too!
That is a huge victory for me. They are definitely not Instagram worthy. Nor does Giada need to worry about me taking over her empire. I will just claim my small accomplishment.
As for vegetables, let’s say I’m working on it….
As long as you try no one can knock you for that probably haven’t had a pop tart in 30 plus yrs another good article