It feels like forever since I’ve written a post; I guess it has been in blog time; my last one was on December 12th. That’s when I was eagerly awaiting my departure for Florida and the Caribbean. That’s where I’ll start my recap.

My youngest daughter and I convinced my husband that we needed a vacation before our trip up to New England for Christmas. So with that accomplished, we were flying down to Ft. Lauderdale so that we could get on a five-day cruise to Haiti and Jamaica. We booked passage on our favorite cruise line-Royal Caribbean. The Independence of the Seas didn’t not disappoint. While it may not be in the realm of the largest class of ship, it was perfect for us.

We spent 5 days at sea around mid-December, visiting Jamaica and Haiti. The days were sunny and serene-just what the doctor ordered. We went snorkeling in Jamaica and sunbathing in Haiti. The other days? We lounged by the pool. I will tell anyone who asks that cruising is the way to go.

Our return trip was anything but calm. We had weather issues in Ft. Lauderdale so our first flight was delayed. We got the notification after the only non-stop flight had left. We thought we’d still be ok since we had a layover in Nashville. Lo and behold, that flight was delayed too. But at least we got out. The flight after ours was cancelled. When we returned to DC, we were met by cold, wet, December weather. Not the welcome home I wanted but one I expected. And at that point, I was just happy to be home.
Two days later, we were off to New England. We have an annual trek up to see family for the holidays-at least while we are on the same coast! We had some great times with our family. My youngest daughter even finally learned how to play cribbage! That is the signature game for my father. If he’s not playing poker in person or online, that’s his game of choice.

We ended 2018 with dinner out which is a switch for us. Our family has an annual tradition where we each order take-out and then watch movies until the ball drops (if we make it that late!). But make it we did! We came home and then watched television until we crashed. The best part? We slept in the next morning. I am such a broken record with that but I do love my sleep.
So I’m hoping to get back on a regular schedule for 2019. Keep watch and tell your friends about my blog. I need more followers!
Another great article Karen. Cruising is the best way to vacation but we prefer Princess Cruises we did 4 Royal and last one I had an issue and they wouldn’t acknowledge it after sending a letter. We do get much better service also.