Ruby Anniversary

It was another celebratory weekend. It was my father and stepmother’s ruby anniversary. That means 40 years to you and me.

My younger brother had planned this party months in advance. And for those of you with brothers, you know that men planning ANYTHING is a huge feat. He had devised a way to get both of them out of the house. My father always goes to his comic book shop to work of deal with inventory so he was easy. It was my stepmom who was the difficult child. So my brother told them that a surprise was being installed at the house as an anniversary gift.

Cue me and hubby. We went and picked up the food and then headed over to help set up. To my surprise, my in-laws arrived early to help too! The rain put a damper on holding it outside so we moved it indoors.

The guests began arriving and it was great to see family members whom I hadn’t seen in years. I even got to practice my Italian with my Aunt Carmella who is 92.

My father was the first to arrive. He was completely in shock. The last time there was a surprise party thrown for him, I was also the first face he saw.

Then my stepmom arrived from the grocery store. She saw all the cars and proceeded to get her groceries out first. That lady knows what’s important!

The party raged on for quite some time as we ate, drank and reminisced about days past. When it was time to cut the cake, the happy couple reenacted their cake cutting ceremony from their wedding. Everyone told Dad to be nice but it was Paula who shoved the cake into his face! We all know he deserved it.


After the hilarity, someone asked what was the secret to a long marriage. Paula replied with, “Be apart.” They both have their own activities that keep them happy and they do their own thing but they still make time for each other. She sounds like a military wife!