Exploring Oklahoma: An Adventure in Junk

This weekend hubby and I traveled to a different part of the Sooner State. I found a festival in Piedmont, OK that was only 30 minutes away! I figured that if it wasn’t good, we wouldn’t have wasted a whole day, only part of it!

As we approached the location, there was a traffic jam. Cars were almost at a standstill, even with a four-way intersection. I took it as a good sign that this place was happening. Thank goodness a police car came up to direct traffic; getting into the parking location was much easier.

This event didn’t disappoint! It’s called Junklahoma and it’s part of the Founder’s Day celebration out in Piedmont. There were about 200 vendors to peruse while you bake in the sun. Let’s face it-it’s still summer in Oklahoma. And last Saturday was no exception. We reached temps in the high 90s.

We are here!

It appeared to be a traditional, hometown festival. Before the event, there was a parade that showcased the town and its inhabitants. Afterwards, the high school football team, cheerleaders, and dance team were wandering around.

Alain and I walked around the grounds and saw some incredible craftsmanship as well as creativity. I saw pumpkins made out of storm shelter fans. There was furniture refurbished into beautiful, new pieces. I loved so many things that I saw. Unfortunately, I came home with nothing.

fun with wagons and sewing machines

Even though I didn’t spend any money, I had restored faith in Oklahoma festivals. Next weekend won’t be in this state but I can’t wait to try again.

Stay tuned!

Exploring Oklahoma over Labor Day Weekend-Fairview

Who’ve thunk that there are exciting things to do in Oklahoma? Me, apparently. I didn’t want this weekend to go by without exploring some part of our adopted home for the next two years. And you’re not supposed to work on Labor Day so I decided to have some fun.

At least that’s what I was hoping to do. Instead we had a rude awakening.

Let me start off by saying that I thought I was a genius when I discovered the TravelOK app. Friends and I were discussing that there isn’t much to do in Oklahoma so I decided to do some research. I found the app and there were a TON of things to do this weekend.

Mural in Fairview

I decided to forego the Native American festivals and decided on something that would please both myself and hubby. The Gloss Mountain festival in Fairview sounded like just the thing. The name sounded inviting and it promised both a car show and a craft show.

So hubby and I hopped in the car and headed two hours away to Fairview, OK. We exited at the Cherokee Trading Post and made a pit stop. It promised a live buffalo as well as the store.


We got back in the car to complete the rest of the trip. The scenery we passed for the next hour was uneventful. It was stereotypical flat land. We passed few trucks but fewer cars. I was beginning to question my decision.

We finally arrived and noted that it wasn’t difficult to find parking. Not a good sign. We walked past the Community Center and I wondered if that was where the craft show was but we needed to find the car show first.

Our arrival at the festival

Not a promising sight.

We continued to the intersection and found some better options. After less than 5 minutes of wandering, we made our way back to the community center and hoped for a better greeting there.

No such luck. There were about 10 tables inside and nothing that I had to have. So we headed back to the car to start our trip home.

I was hoping for a different path home but Waze had us go the same way back. The shining star was that we’d see the Cherokee trading post again.

We stopped and went into the Trading Post and explored the grounds. It was a great respite to the long drive we’d undertaken.

Needless to say, I was mocked the entire drive back home by Alain. And I deserved it. But in my defense, the photos of the festival looked extremely promising. Besides, what else did we have planned?

Until next trip!